Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 Summary:January 13 is the date when Microsoft's mainstream support for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 ends. The file named in the sources folder restricts the choice of Windows editions that can be installed with that particular DVD. Finally, the DVDs can be used to test and evaluate Windows 7 for 30 days, or to create a test environment within a virtual machine. Most software isn't available in 64 bit yet, and some old software and devices won't work on x64. Even if you have your genuine product key noted down in your diary or printed on the backside of your computer, you can't use it to reinstall Windows because you don't have the setup disc. To solve your problem, we are going to list direct download links for Windows 7. These are genuine and official download links. The links provide an untouched Windows 7 ISO which is a fully functional 30-day trial version which can be converted into full version after entering your product key and activating it. As it is the actual product key that fully determines the OS version, not the content from which you are installing. During the install of Ultimate, should u enter a product key for a lower edition (like Home Prem or PRO) this will still work and the OS will be downgraded to that after the install completes. Also, this release is essentially a big fat roundup of all the security fixes and bugfixes since Windows 7 was released, combined with a few extra bits of functionality. If you have Windows Update set to automatic, the service pack will not make you more secure. There's very little in terms of new features, and you'd be better off waiting until the download rush is over. Head to Windows Update through your Start Menu search box, and then click on the Important updates are available” link. I installed SP1 (64-bit) as soon as it was posted on Windows Update and it all went well. The easiest way to remove the backup files of the Windows 7 Service Pack 1 installation is the following. Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 fixed a big woe for me. iTunes, along with Windows Media Player would randomly freeze after a random period of time. I keep Windows up-to-date, so there's not much new in it for me, but I'm happy it went without a hitch. Sitting here reading this on phone while restsrted computer says Configuring Windows Updates -35% complete - Do not turn off your computer” for about an hour now. About half of Windows 7 updates seem to be good for little more than breaking programs and forcing you to waste time installing said updates to keep yoir computer running smoothly. About half of Windows 7 updates seem to be good for little more than breaking programs and forcing you to waste time uninstalling said updates to keep yoir computer running smoothly. Naturally before you are allowed to download any Service Pack updates you have to download the WGA first. Now installing and I've waited 1.5 hrs here, the meter got half completed, then almost done, and suddenly it got back halfway again. Downloaded System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB947821)” and ran it. It found 2 errors and indicated that it fixed them. I chose the restore option and eventually Win 7 started but indicated that the SP 1 Update was not successful. I've done that with previous service packs and when I have the installations have been much smoother.

But if this service back does not give you the edition of Win 7 you want it is then a waste of time downloading it.Andrea Borman. Now I'm more worried if Windows Update will work properly again for the routine stuff… What a drag! Installed sp 1 today for windows 7 ultimate 64 bit..after that any game running DX9 would crash i tried atleast 20 games all crashed. Before sp 1 everyone of them now im looking for answers for past 5-6 hours (which is how i found this place) uninstalling sp 1 then see if it helps. The main feature of Win SP1 is an upgrade of WAT (windows activation) If you refused the previous KB971033 patch your going to get it in SP1. Fitted new 1TB hard drive and loaded the official Win 7 Pro DVD in the drive. Nothing else about the service pack is very notable except for a lack of any patch for the current critical zero day exploit. At any rate, when I do alt-tab and aero peek is on, then the peek” window goes in front of the alt-tab windows list…VERY annoying. Check your update history to see what failed if any failed liked mine download this update to be up-to-date! As to the latest service pack… thanks, but I think I'll pass, at least for now. It took me a little longer to go back to the RTM version of 7 than it did to get rid of Vista, once I tried the retail version, but only by about ten minutes. Does anyone have a link to the iso download without all the hoops to jump through. Starts up okay, but this cycle continues IF I try to use Windows Update, even for other updates besides SP1! You, with only a few minor and insignificant improvements” for the typical user, already have Windows 7 SP1 installed one update at a time if you have kept your computer updated. I tried downloading and installing the Windows 7 SP1 update on a Gateway 64 bit, AlienWare 64 bit, and Lenovo 64 bit as the notice came in yesterday and it looked like it would be simple. I try everyday and when I click download, it doesn't pass %0, so there is huge problems with the server that delivers the service packs. Now when my pc goes into sleep mode, the mouse or pressing of any key doesn't wake it, I have to push the power button to wake from sleep mode. Judging by others comments it seems Microsoft havn't done too well on this one!, It's a shame really because Windows 7 is a very good operating system. But for now until we get some more news on the issues, I will be holding back the install of the service pack until there sorted.

You have the option to download individual hotfixes if you are experiencing the specific problem that they correct, but they are not pushed out via automatic updates. So intalling the service pack ensures that you have all the latest fixes and that you won't experience any of the corrected problems in the future. Update said the Service Pak was available, so, I downloaded it. Don't notice anything different, other than I watched my HD access for over an hour on the download. This time, the progress bar proceeded from 0 to 1 to 2 percent and so on till 100 percent. Even after a clean install of Win 7 64 and first downloading all the previous updates, trying to install sp1 trashed my system. I followed the troubleshooting steps - MSFT knows about it since they put a program together to fix an issue (something to do with service). The first two steps didn't fix it so the final step was to repair windows 7 by running setup and choosing the upgrade option. Consistency only counts if you're not a screw up. Win 7 is now consistently screwed up. I even ordered the SP1 on DVD because I couldn't successfully get it right on Windows Update. I renamed Software Distribution folder to SoftwareDistributionOld.I also sent them my Windows Update log, System Info. When I try to download this, I make sure my AV is disabled, Windows Firewall is off, and Windows Defender is off. I had both but didn't like either one of them.(came installed) I have Avast AV, and Windows Firewall. Service Packs are cumulative so if you don't have SP1 installed SP2 will cover the same fixes. All I can say is that my next PC will not have Windows of any flavor on it. Piece of garbage! Even as much as I think this service pack stinks, I find it hard to believe it blew up your hardware. I installed service pack 1 and had to uninstall it two times, after installation first time it would not allow me to access the internet. Look I've been fine without service packs (or any other windows 7 updates for that matter). I installed the first batches soon after 7 came out and then turned off MS updates. Ive been wondering whether I need this SP1 update as my windows 7 Ultimate edition has been running fine from day one and I have not installed every update either. I started this update last night on my pc. I've never had an issue with any of the previous updates on xp, vista, and 7. The download was taking a long time so I went to sleep. After doing that it took about 45 minutes from restarting to do the service pack update and is working fine now. Update: right when I finished my thread entry my UNINSTALL of the Service Pack was completed. I had to remove the leftover pieces with an MS tool I found in their support area and then upgrade to Win 7 on that machine. Microsoft suggests that individuals just let the normal Windows update system handle installation of the service pack. However, if you'd like to accelerate the process, you can download the file and install it manually. If you have ever used this program try all available fixes (use a backup of your registery if you have one, or get one from the website) also use the windows upgrade prep.

Depending on what method is used to install the service pack, you will need anywhere from 750MB to 7400MB of available disk space storage to complete the installation procedure, so plan accordingly. After backing out to Win 7 RTM version, the first thing it did was to correctly install the Intellitype driver software. I bit the bullet on this one and let the service run but used a rambooster program to try and unload the ram, it's worked but I think it is a stop gap fix. HP - 3 older machines - all 32bit, running on1 to 2 GB RAMs - 2 Intel, 1 AMD.

My processor is an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz, RAM is 4GB, on about a 1 year old HP Pavilion dv6 1355dx notebook. Than I tried downloading all the updates on my netbook, but Service Pack 1 still did not want to install! Using Windows Update, I installed SP1 on an Acer 64bit running Home Premium and an ASUS 64bit Intel I7 Quad core running W7 Pro with no problems. Tried from WinUpdate and from a DVD created from a WinDownloadsCenter ISO download (which took me 4+ hrs to download on a DSL line). I took the Windows Update route, and it downloaded and installed a single file of about 62 Mb (probably because I keep all critical updates installed thru Automatic Updates). With Windows 7, we focused on keeping the things you use most right in front of you.

This disc will allow you to re-install windows on a new hard drive, or recover your existing version of windows if you are having system or software failure. RETURNS-You have 7 days from the date of delivery to request a Return Authorization on a damaged or non functioning item. SP1 for Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R2 is a recommended collection of updates and improvements to Windows that are combined into a single installable update. There's a good chance you might buy new hardware till then, and reinstall your Windows 7 copy, and that means lots of updates. On this occasion it has come the time of Windows 7 SP1 to see the light of day, also being compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2 (the professional platform by Microsoft). This pack of updates greatly improves the security of Windows 7, it optimizes how its tools work and, furthermore, it improves its performance. The thing is, if you do not plan on using Windows 8 and family, then you have till faraway 2020 to cram fresh new updates onto your hard disk.

For example, you cannot use the installed version of Windows to do the process, because you can't use the system files for slipstreaming. But the latest available version, 2.6.0 Beta, still survives on the Web, and one of the download spots is Softpedia.

More importantly, the Browse button lets you search for the system path, usually a DVD, or an ISO file. For example, I was unable to slipstream using Windows 8, which is why the rest of this tutorial will continue on top of Windows 7. This may save some of you time and error. You will now have the option to choose what you want to do. At this point, you only want to create an ISO bootable image, so tick the last checkbox. You can burn the created image directly to DVD, create a bootable USB flash drive, or just create an ISO file. The same thing was true for nLite and vLite and all other programs offering rigorous tweaking and customization for Windows.

This takes more expertise, and usually goes beyond the simple process of just slipstreaming the service pack, which is our mission. Grab the one you would like to keep at the top and shake it, all other windows will hide. Nevertheless, for those a little curious, here's a handful of commands and screenshots highlighting the Linux like mode of work in Windows. Anyhow, the first thing you want to do is copy the Windows 7 disc to a directory on your hard disk. Depending on how much different your base image from the service pack is, the slipstreaming process can take a while. Now, some reasons why you should not use Windows 8.X family, at least until they release a normal version for the desktop, with the proper system menu and all that. We also learned a bit about how to edit various configuration files, extraction of archive, additional optional tweaking of the Windows image, and more. We've discussed a lot of stuff, and we saw how to slipstream the service pack both using a WAIK frontend called RT7Lite, as well as manually from the command line using DISM. Download3K did not scan Windows 7 Service Pack 1 for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. Finally you will be prompted to logon, after which you see the Welcome” screen and a window which says Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is now installed”.

If you don't have the service pack installed, IE9 will take the liberty of installing additional operating system components that are already part of SP1. With IE9's release candidate now available , that's good news for IT pros who may have been reluctant to upgrade in lieu of the service pack. Otherwise, I would urge Windows 7 users who are up-to-date to ignore this offering, at least for now. For example, Microsoft says that systems with hotfixes ( 2406705 , 979350 or 983534 ) will block the installation of the service pack and may experience problems as a result. If you do have any of the above hotfixes installed, you will need to follow Microsoft's instructions here if you want to install this service pack with a minimum of potential complications. Also, do not ignore Microsoft's admonition to backup your system and your data before proceeding with this Service Pack. Microsoft's own Technet forum post on this service pack includes a number of cautionary tales from users who have installed this update. Computer is a new Dell Optiplex 380, Win 7 Pro 32-bit, 4GB ram, Intel Core 2 Duo. For example, some users are reporting that certain types of third party firewalls and disk encryption software may be affected by the service pack. If you decide to proceed with this service pack, please consider having a look at these two resources. The point is: it's probably a good idea to check both the wmic output file and your list of installed programs (aka the list Programs and Features” in windows 7 parlance). I'll add to this that I find it useful to periodically do a reformat/reinstall of Windows to rid oneself of all the junk that Windows and applications accumulate. That proprietary is more opaque to the user makes it more difficult to prevent this problem on my Windows box compared to Linux/BSD systems. I've used the pc a bit (my primary computer is a MacBook Air laptop) since the update and everything seems fine so far. Updated two Windows 7 64 bit computers that I am just using for Windows Media Center off the air TV DVRs. Move your mouse to the lower right corner of your desktop and all open Windows will become transparent. I happen to know this issue caused major havoc today with all of the student computer labs that were running Windows 7 today at a major US University. In addition, you can run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP M... Free Shipping on orders over $80! You can run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode and recover data easily with automatic backups to your home or business... Canada's #1 Trusted Online Shop since 2011! Windows 7 Professional includes all the Home Premium features you love and the business features your work demands. It also is a hassle to know that you need to get the latest drivers for the device through the help of the website of the product manufacturers. Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 (32-bit) (OEM) from Microsoft is the long-awaited successor to the ubiquitous Windows Vista operating system. Building upon Vista's impressive feature set, Windows 7 adds many features which simplify the way you use your PC, as well as the way that your PC connects to the world. The Professional edition of Windows 7 is designed to meet the needs of business and home use alike. Finally, the Professional edition adds the ability to backup your system to a home or business network. These include improved desktop navigation, improved speed, the Internet Explorer 8 web browser, Windows Media Center, and HomeGroup networking. Note: The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) version of Windows 7 can only be used with a single PC, and the license is non-transferable. Additionally, the software can't be used to upgrade a current version of Windows; it requires you to backup any data on your machine before you install it. Accelerators allow you to highlight any part of a web page, and feed it into a frequently-used service as a search. Windows 7 is optimized so that PCs start up, shut down, and resume from standby faster than previous versions. Windows 7 helps you recover from problems when they occur, walking you through the steps necessary to address common issues. Adaptive display brightness dims a display when you've been away from your PC, and playing DVD movies requires less power than in previous versions of Windows. If you tweak your Windows 7 OS, use Safe” unless you read and understand what you are doing.
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